Tough Times – Important Initiatives & Information for Clients as COVID-19 affects business

Tough Times – Important Initiatives & Information for Clients as COVID-19 affects business

March 16, 2020

As we enter uncharted territory we wish to make you aware of some initiatives announced in recent days to try and ensure as much as possible that you and your business can survive the next six weeks.

The Government have launched several schemes to try and streamline the process for employees who are either in self-isolation or have been let go by their Employer. Amounts ranging between €203 and €305 are available to employees who are in this situation and we can assist you in providing more information on these schemes.

The banks have also pledged that they will work with clients to extend short term facilities and loans to assist you in riding out the storm for the next few weeks and we strongly urge you to touch base with your banking contacts to explore these opportunities. The government has also pledged more funding for start-ups and businesses to be rolled out through the SBCI scheme.

We want you to know that at UHY FDW we are here to work with you in these challenging times to ensure you and your business can survive the challenge ahead.

We attach some links that may be useful for you and please feel free to contact us with any queries you may have. We will share more information via our social media channels as it comes available so please ensure you are following us.

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+353 42 933 9955