Business Support
While the effects from Brexit and Covid-19 are still being felt, UHY FDW is dedicated to continuing to provide an exeptional client service. Our team will be happy to assist you with your business needs and to provide support and guidance on a variety of areas.
Discover more support available to your business: Business Advisory
Grant Scheme
Enterprise Ireland Support
Crisis Response Business Financial Planning Grant
The Crisis Response Business Financial Planning Grant offers up to €5,000 (100% of expenditure) for an engagement with an approved external consultant to:
- understanding the impact of the war in Ukraine, increases in input and energy costs, currency fluctuations and supply chain disruptions on working capital
- understanding any immediate liquidity issues (if any)
- creating a financial plan to secure external finance (if required)
- developing a framework to manage the finances of the business.
The offer seeks to encourage companies to be proactive in developing a detailed financial plan that identifies funding needs and potential sources of funding.
More details in Enterprise Ireland Crisis Response
Evolve Strategic Planning Grant
The Evolve Strategic Planning Grant is designed to support our companies to respond to the challenges and opportunities, which have arisen as a result of changes to the trading environment in the UK market.
More details in Enterprise Ireland Evolve Strategic Planning Grant
As part of Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan and funded by the European Union, the Green Transition Fund will accelerate the decarbonisation of Irish enterprise.
It comprises two separate streams of funding, to support the different aspects of the decarbonisation journey for Irish enterprises. These are:
- Climate Planning Fund for Business – building company capability to develop plans for lower-carbon products, processes, and business models.
- Enterprise Emissions Reduction Investment Fund– supporting capital investment and Research, Development & Innovation in decarbonisation
The Climate Planning Fund for Business (CPFB) is targeted at companies of different sizes and at different stages of engagement in their decarbonisation journey. It comprises a range of offers to reflect the different levels of engagement and preparedness of companies. The offers being provided under the CPFB will support companies to accelerate their awareness of decarbonisation opportunities, build capability and put in place sustainability plans.
Companies are at different stages of awareness, engagement and planning for the investments required to transform the sustainability performance of their business through decarbonisation. The Enterprise Emissions Reduction Investment Fund is targeted at companies of different sizes and stages of engagement in their decarbonisation journey: to put in place energy monitoring systems, thereby establishing the carbon footprint of their enterprise; to make investments in decarbonising their manufacturing processes; and to support Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) in low carbon products and processes.
More details in Enterprise Ireland Green Transition Fund
As part of Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan and funded by the European Union, the Digital Transition Fund will drive transformative digitalisation of enterprise in Ireland, particularly amongst SMEs. The fund will help companies at all stages of their digitalisation journey.
The fund has been designed in the first instance to raise awareness of the value of the digital transition across Irish enterprise.
A new Digital Portal will be developed under this fund which will enable companies to assess their digital readiness and will be used to signpost to eco-system supports for digitalisation. The Digital Portal will be used to highlight the opportunities and the enterprise supports available for Digitalisation, including those funded as part of the Digital Transition Fund and others (such as the LEO Trading Online Voucher, Online Retail Scheme and LEO Digital Start programmes).
Further supports are in development in conjunction with the Digital Transition Fund including a network of Digital Innovation Hubs to be launched later in 2022.
More details in Enterprise Ireland Digital Transition Fund
Enterprise Ireland is helping Irish businesses to rebuild after the impact of Covid-19 – providing the funding they need to stabilise cashflow, adapt their operations and innovate to meet new customer needs. Support of between €100,000- €800,000 can be provided to companies who have been impacted by Covid 19.
To deliver on this, the objectives of the fund are to:
- Ensure eligible companies can accelerate their recovery
- Provide funding needed to stabilise casheflow, adapt operations and innovate for new customer needs
This Fund is open to eligible companies which:
- Employ 10 or more full-time employees*
- Are operating in the manufacturing and internationally traded service sectors
- Have experienced, or be projected to experience, a 15% or more reduction in actual or projected turnover or profit as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak. The reduction in turnover or profit of 15% or more, compares a quarter in 2019 (pre-Covid) to the same quarter in either 2020 or 2021.
- Have had a significant increase in operational costs as a result of Covid-19.
- Not have been Undertakings in Difficulty at 31st December 2019 and at the date of application, as provided for in State aid law. An exception to this is micro and small undertakings (i.e. undertakings with fewer than 50 employees and less than €10m of annual turnover and/or balance sheet value) provided that at the moment of providing the support, they are not subject to collective insolvency procedure under national law.
- Businesses qualifying under this EU-supported scheme will be offered a repayable advance of up to €800,000.
The Sustaining Enterprise Fund will be used to support the implementation of a Sustaining Enterprise Project Plan which should be provided by the company outlining the eventual stabilisation of the business and a return to viability. The Covid-19 Business Financial Planning Grant can help companies to develop the Sustaining Enterprise Project Plan.
*For companies with less than 10 people a range of supports are available from MicroFinance Ireland and the Local Enterprise Offices – contact the business response unit.
More details in Enterprise Ireland
UHY FDW Care Team
We want you to know that at UHY FDW we are here to work with you in these challenging times to ensure you and your business can survive the challenge ahead.
If you would like to speak to one of our professionals about your concerns, questions or needs, contact our Care Team and they will arrange a free, no obligation call back with a member of our team.
Susan McGeough
Nicola Mernagh
Employment Advice & Financial Supports
- Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme
- Self Employed Workers & COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment
- The Credit Guarantee Scheme
- Revenue Commissioners Supports
- Enterprise Ireland Supports
- Local Enterprise Office Supports
Corporate Compliance
- The holding of Director / Shareholder meetings remotely and drafting of all support such as minutes and resolutions
- Advice on filings with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) & Companies House and should you wish non-filing structures
Insolvency & Debt Restructuring Advice
- Formal restructuring procedures such as examinership and schemes of arrangement
- Insolvency procedures such as creditor voluntary liquidations
- Personal debt and mortgage advice whether by way of informal debt negotiation or formal arrangements through Personal Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Family Wealth Protection & Restructuring Advice
- Wills
- Trusts
- Family and Corporate Succession Planning
- Litigation Support