The HTB incentive has been introduced in Finance Act 2016 to assist first-time buyers with obtaining the deposit required to purchase or self-build a new house or apartment, which they wish to live in as their home. One of the conditions of this relief is that the contract for the purchase or self-build is entered into with a “qualifying contractor”.
Where qualifying residences are being sold, purchasers who have applied for the HTB scheme may only wish to enter into contracts with a qualifying contractor where they are relying on the HTB scheme to purchase the residence. Where you are building qualifying residences, obtaining qualifying contractor status in advance can assist in ensuring contracts can be entered into with HTB applicants in respect of those properties.
Read our Contractors FAQs Download for further information.
We can help get you registered as a relevant contractor for the HTB scheme so that you are ready to enter into contracts with HTB claimants on properties you are developing.
Contact Kelly O’Brien on our Tax Team now if you wish to discuss this further